Once a novice soaper and now having moved into intermediate, I shall be posting my discoveries along the way in a life long journey of bath making fun...
Friday, December 26, 2014
Bring on 2015
2014 has been the biggest year from hell. What started out positive with a new job quickly turned around to being a nightmare. I lost my dance teaching job thanks to my day job and my day job is the job from hell. I know we aren't supposed to like work, but working for Apple has been THE WORST experience EVER. Bullying is rife, not caring and frequently making the job harder and harder to achieve targets is getting beyond laughable (believe me, I am not laughing, quite the opposite actually).
Soaping... What I have learned so far:
1. Never underestimate the popularity of Dragons Blood
2. 10 degrees Celsius is NOT a good difference in oils/lye, especially when working with cream in the batter. Seized before I even got the fragrance in.
3. Definitely freeze your goats milk before setting off on a batch.
4. Never, ever, ever make bath bombs when it is raining, overcast or at least humid. Not happy.
5. Soap cupcakes... Why? The time and effort, are they really worth the results. Made 2 batches and I think that will be it. (2015 update, I still have most of them and can't even give the buggers away!)
6. Stick to in the pot swirls, the other techniques, whilst gorgeous, take time and time is money.
7. Lilac scent is not as popular as I thought it would be. Yep, left with LOTS.
8. No posting massage bars, exfoliating bars or bath truffles in summer. Arrive in a mess. Not happy.
9. I love my silicone mould but love my 2.5kg wooden moulds even more.
10. People have loved my soap. I am so happy I started this venture. Now to make 2015 even better.
11. Heat transfer method. Hell, no! Never again! Talk about acceleration, crap and that was before the fragrance went in!
Bright blessings everyone for an amazing 2015.
Soapy hugs
Black Peacock Soapery
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
MiA & Depression
Al huge apology to those who drop by my blog. In recent month, work has gotten progressively harder to deal with. I work in a form of call centre. I actually work from home and the call are routed to me. In recent month due to staff leaving in droves and managements desire to make our job even harder, my depression has returned with a vengeance and I shut all and sundry out. Everything that I enjoy becomes a chore, it is easier for me to sit and cry or sleep.
Situational depression or adjustment disorder, call it what you will. I was diagnosed with it officially around 7 years ago. My then boss sent me to a psychiatrist (yep, I worked for a Dr.) as he claimed I had anger issues (arrogant Dr. vs Gemini). The verdict, situational depression, adjustment disorder or when life gets too much, I emotionally shut down.
At present, we are living in a duplex that is falling apart as the owner and/or the estate agent refuses to repair anything (we'll do it when you move out) and on top of that, the couple who live upstairs, are hot heads and the guy especially. For years we have listened to the arguements, the beatings and aggression. We are trying to move but it has been a long process. We are near the end but still have more things to shift out from the new home (old home really, moving back to the family home as everyone is now at rest) before we can full on move it. Still hoping for early 2015.
So between crappy rental house, agro man upstairs, a slow move, issues with the dance school I used to teach for (that is another story in itself) reduced work hours and craptastic working conditions, I have gone downhill emotionally and physically over the last 6 months to the point where I am frequently sick, injuries are not healing quickly and the social isolation has really made me retract from everything. I am still making soap, just don't seem to brood over it as much as I used to. I am hoping this will pass soon, I really do.
In a nutshell, I will be back, but if I am quiet and MiA, you know why. The black dog has come around and he isn't leaving any time soon. Bring on 2015 and a brighter future.
Soapy hugs
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Neglecting My Blog, But Not My Soap!
I have had some great sales over the last month with orders coming through from family and friends who I really cannot thank enough for their support. Here's hoping more will come in for Christmas. I have two sales gigs to go unless I have other opportunities arise.
Soap porn below!
Soapy hugs
Kayla xx
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
More Soap Porn and Musings
Also, I have made so much soap, I am quickly running out of base ingredients!
Soapy hugs
Kayla xx
Monday, September 8, 2014
Mini Haul: Week of 8 Sept 2014
A mint hail from Natural Candle Supply. I am still not sure about the fragrances as they seem quite subtle to my nose. Here's hoping.
Soapy hugs
Kayla xx
Soap Porn Alert!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
...And It Just Keeps Coming...
On anothr note, the ugly brown duckling from last week has set and finally cut. Below is the magnificent purple that the Brazillian purple clay gave and there is a little boost from some purple mica also swirled in,
Next in the mould is an all natural soap with essential oils, I have bath truffles of the same Goddess scent and will also have bath salts with hibiscus and rose petals.
Soapy hugs
Kayla xx
Thursday, August 28, 2014
2kg Mould Soap Cut
Himalayan black tea will now be called High Tea, as for black raspberry sugar... Still out for debate...
Also, since I am running low on base oils and butters, I am scraping together a couple of simpler recipes. The most recent is lilac scented with Brazillian purple clay (ouch, went brown because of the olive oil but will hopefully come good) with a little purple mica swirl and pink Himalayan rock salt. This one will be cut on the weekend.
Soapy hugs
Kayla xx
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Disaster Time
Kayla xx
New Moulds in Use
Kayla xx
Monday, August 25, 2014
It's Not Just Soap Now!
That's right, I am retuning with baths goodness and starting off with bath truffles! A lovely blend of bath bomb and bath melt. To please all senses I will make EO and FO blends and to start with I have made a batch of raspberry and violet of and bergamont, lemongrass and rose geranium EO. I will also be looking at other lovely blends along with shower tablets for those who prefer or only have showers. Stay tuned for 'Breathe Easy' and 'Hump Day' EO blends.
Soapy hugs
Kayla xx
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Soaping & Mini Haul
Friday, August 1, 2014
Early August Super Mini Haul
Would love to hear from everyone with their favourite trustworthy Ebay seller for soapy goodness!
Soapy hugs
Monday, July 28, 2014
Soapmaking Standstill
Still moving from one home to another to keep my final moving cost as low as possible. But I am also slowly running out of space to store my freshly made soaps whilst they cure. I have yet to clear out the back sheds to make way for the new venture and when that is done, find the money to get the two tables that I am after from Bunnings along with drying racks and a few other storage things from Ikea, plus the sink... Oh to win the lottery, sod off this daily crap job and to soap, sew and dance all day!
Soapy hugs
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Perfect Man Soap Video - Hello YouTube!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
First Soaping Video!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Soap Swap: Anything Goes - Fail No. 2
Oils: olive oil, macadamia oil and coconut oil (ran out at this stage). I ran what I had left through the soap calc and it seemed to work... Ummmmm...
Fragrance: Nature's Blush - it accelerated, not madly but pouring an ITP swirl became difficult in the end and I think it began to rice as well. It looked fine but started to get thick and looked not as it should...
Colour: TD and blue oxide. I was going for an ITP swirl... I'll try again on another recipe and in a loaf mould rather than cubes.
Soapy hugs
Monday, June 23, 2014
No More Sneaky Soaping
No more hiding that I have been making soap from the other half. He is currently chunking through the first batch of soap I made, scented with Love Spell and since then I have bought him his own scent and about to make up something just for him, with something purple... I am thinking a purple ITP. I need any excuse to start working on my techniques.
So yay for being allowed to soap, but still have a while until we move. I am moving in more bags every time we go over and hopefully will have everything moved over soon enough that I can tell the estate agent where they can shove themselves for all the years of NOT repairing this place and have a home that is all my own, with my soaping shed and hopefully see the beginnings of getting away from working in a job that I loathe and into making soapy goodness.
Soapy hugs
Friday, June 20, 2014
Soap Haul: Week of 15 June 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Soap Swap: Natural
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Soap Swap: Anything Goes - Fail No. 1
Oils: EVOO, macadamia & coconut
Colour: black oxide
Embeds: clear M & P with opal white glitter
Friday, June 6, 2014
Soap Calculators and Other Useful Calculators
The Majestic Mountain Sage ("The Sage")
This has three calculators available: a lye calc, a universal conversion and my favourite - the fragrance calc. The fragrance calc gives you a guideline on weight, percentage or liquid measurement of either essential oil or fragrance oils for the size of your batch of oils. Brilliant! Also gives approx. how much to use dependant on if you want subtle, mid or strong scent. The other good aspect on this calculator is that you can select the type of product you are making and calculates the percentage for that product type.
I am currently using their soap calc as even though it does not give exact amounts of water, it does give you options with how much lye to use and how that translates into superfatting. Always select lye amounts I the GREEN range!
Brambleberry has both lye and fragrance calculators but I have not used either.
How to Make Any Soap Recipe Palm Free
This is the calculator that I have previously used.
Online Conversions
This has been my favourite site for years to convert just about anything to everything!
Australian Soapmaker
I have not yet used this calculator.
Soap Gulld
I have yet to use this calculator. I only wish we had a soap guild here in Australia or something between Oz and NZ.
Summer Bee Meadow
I have not the used this calculator.
If anyone has used any of these calculators please comment below or if you know of any that are worthy of adding to the list.
Soapy hugs
Monday, June 2, 2014
Mini Haul: Week of 1 June 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Soap Haul: Week of 19 May 2014 - part 2
Monday, May 19, 2014
Soap Haul: Week of 19 May 2014 - part 1
First haul for the week with another to come! A huge Thanks to Kerry from Heirloom Bodycare for allowing me to slip in some last minute oils!
This haul contains some lovely mica samples along with the glitter I have been trying to locate in trustworthy format. Lilac and Dragons Blood FO's. I really want to. Old ur my soaps with natural colors so I grabbed some alkanet root powder and FINALLY ordered charcoal! My last minute adds were macadamia oil (so hard to find in stores) and coconut oil as I didn't realize how much I would go through. I hope the other half doesn't kill me for using the good stuff? Oh well, he didn't like food cooked in it anyway!
Soapy hugs