Monday, July 28, 2014

Soapmaking Standstill

Alas, my soap making for the moment has ground to a halt.

Still moving from one home to another to keep my final moving cost as low as possible. But I am also slowly running out of space to store my freshly made soaps whilst they cure. I have yet to clear out the back sheds to make way for the new venture and when that is done, find the money to get the two tables that I am after from Bunnings along with drying racks and a few other storage things from Ikea, plus the sink... Oh to win the lottery, sod off this daily crap job and to soap, sew and dance all day!

Soapy hugs

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Perfect Man Soap Video - Hello YouTube!

I really hate having my photo taken and even more being on video but I am braving my fears and putting myself out there. So, albeit a little late thanks to the slow upload speed to YouTube, I present my first ever YouTube video for soapmaking... Black Peacock Soaps - Making of "The Perfect Man".

Soapy hugs

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First Soaping Video!

Made you look!

Seriously, I have just filmed my first video. I won't post yet as I need to edit and add the finished product photos. Please excuse the arm in the way, first video, full of mistakes and can only get better from there! 

Excited and scared!

Hopefully will post it up on Sunday night my time if I have enough time get it up there.

Soapy hugs